Monday, May 21, 2007

Zilch Day

No run. No hike.

What's my excuse? Hmmm... I was going to run but the day got a little crazy. You see, an Air Force cargo plane was transporting an elephant but due to lack of proper funding from Congress to maintain the fleet as well as it should be maintained, the cargo bay door failed mid-flight and out slid the not-so-well-secured elephant. Thankfully the crew had prepared for such an emergency by attaching a pachydernm approved parachute for use by elephants. It deployed okily dokily landing the Asian beast safely in my backyard. But as the package landed, it spooked a Grizzly bear who was wandering past. The elephant broke loose and the two started to fight somethin' fierece. While all this was happening I was resting my hamstring yet again but I got up lickity split, grabbed my camera, and started snapping pics of all this commotion. I really wanted to film it to send it into CNN's I-Report dealie so I could get my name on TV 'cause afterall, that would make life complete. But due to my lack of filming device, I had to take plain ol' boring pictures. After elephant & grizzly settled things with a handshake and decided to go grab a milkshake, I discovered no batteries in the camera.


It should be worth noting that I'm currently still in South Carolina taking care of my dad... so what was a Grizzly doing on the loose here?!?


Wil said...

Just what you been smokin' there, boy?

Zoooma said...

Banana Peels.
Nothing to see here... Move along.

one says one number and the other another
but they were set at the same time. Hmmm...

i love you amy uzarski.  always!
Calvin and Hobbes in the snow -- animated