Thursday, August 2, 2007

America the Idiotic

Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

BREAKING NEWS: at least 9 killed, 62 hurt, some still missing. The tragedy happened over 12 hours ago yet it's still BREAKING NEWS... Matt Lauer of NBC's The Today Show is on scene as is John King of CNN's American Morning.

Other news on TV this morning: there isn't any. The world today revolves around Minneapolis and nothing else matters. That's not entirely accurate, Fox News Channel is running through other headlines at least every 30 minutes. So I do believe the rest of the world still exists but when something like this happens in America, you can't really be sure.

It's sad that life was lost and I feel for the families and friends of all of those affected. But why is American life more important than lives outside of this country (unless they're lives of American soldiers)?

In the Communist China province of Shanxi, at least 20 people have died since Saturday. Hundreds of thousands of homes have been destroyed. The rural poor are suffering so horribly. But neither John King or Matt Lauer has gone there to report on their plight. Nope. Why? Are the Chinese even human like Americans are human? I'd even venture a guess that neither of them has even spoken a word about it.

Tragedy happens in many forms. But it's American tragedy that matters to major media outlets such as CNN and Fox News and NBC. They stop everything to report and report and report and report on such incidents. They show the same video over and freakin' over. The same story is on a loop and meanwhile it's still BREAKING NEWS? And this morning a couple of 'em are showing on-screen their specially created-just-for-this "Bridge Collapse" and "Disaster Over The Mississippi" graphics complete with gloomy music. "WATCH US" these graphics say to viewers. "WE will bring you the VERY BEST news coverage of this event. Other news? Screw it."

Pathetic. I'm not saying they live for events like this but they milk it as best as they can while tragedy in other nations hardly gets a minutes worth of airtime... or maybe a bottom-of-the-screen news scroll mention.

God, I love this country. Born and raised here. There's so much that's so wonderful about this place. Yet so much that just plain sucks. I'm not surprised this bridge collapsed. Not surprised in the least. The population of this nation is out of freakin' control. There simply is no need to procreate. We're being inundated with illegal immigrants and single moms and moms and dads keep popping out kids that this country can't handle. With more and more and more people comes more and more wear and tear to infrastructure, not to mention more and more raping of the land by developers who see dollar signs where there are trees where they plow it all over and build more cookie cutter suburban sprawldivisions and big box stores. Tens of millions of more people equals more cars and trucks. Bridges were not built to sustain all of this forever. But our government should be keeping us safe and making sure bridges won't collapse? They wouldn't collapse if we didn't have so many darn people here. And inspecting and fixing bridges creates headaches and traffic and agitated people and it all costs money. Raise taxes? Then what? Raise 'em some more to fix more problems? No. We need LESS taxes and LESS people thus LESS problems.

God, I hate this country that I love. I long to move back to New Jersey which makes me wonder if I'm freakin' nuts, I mean truly clinically insane. I should be leaving this place for a saner environment (another country) with LESS people. Alaska is great for that but still it's United States territory. Part of me just wants nothing to do with country because it's so broken and seemingly only getting worse. Maybe the Democrats will fix our nation and make it beautiful and strong again, yeah, that's it, America needs a Democrat in the White House. Yeah, that'll fix everything (Chris thinks with dripping dripping dripping sarcasm.) Democrats will fix it all -- Whatever. It's not Republicans fault this country is so messed up. It's not Democrats fault. It's government's fault on BOTH sides of the aisle and it's the fault of stoopid Americans who go about living their lives so carelessly while expecting the politicians to take care of everything.

Give me a break.

Meanwhile -- Dear CNN, NBC, Fox News, et-freakin'-cetera, can we please have some OTHER news?


Kwizgiver said...

Didn't you know Nicole Richie is pregnant???


Sam said...

Thank you Chris. That's needed said for quite some time. Well thought and spoken.

KG Prophet said...

I live near that bridge and I agree with your assessment. The total number of deaths is 12. Not 120, not 1200. Yet we get every blowhard descending down upon us like it is the new 9/11. And I don't need George Bush to come into town to console me.

Anonymous said...

Right on,brother!!You could come downunder! No, forget that, we have morons in power down here too.
But it is warm!

one says one number and the other another
but they were set at the same time. Hmmm...

i love you amy uzarski.  always!
Calvin and Hobbes in the snow -- animated