Dusting Off An Old Classic
The Best Of:
Skeletons From The Closet
The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion)
Sugar Magnolia
St. Stephen
Uncle John's Band
Casey Jones
Mexicali Blues
Turn On Your Love Light
One More Saturday Night
Friend Of The Devil
It's a known fact amongst us Deadheads that so many Dead studio albums that we've purchased through the years, they just sit on the shelf collecting dust. Too many live shows to listen to? Absolutely. Who wants to hear this stuff when we can put on a 2 and a half hour soundboard of a show of theirs (or a really good Aud?) Well, truth be told, studio material, at least to me, ain't that bad! In fact, it's pretty fun to listen to!
Back in February of 1974, Skeletons From The Closet was the very first "Greatest Hits" compilation released for the band. The song span is from their debut LP in 1967 to 1972. For so many years this was an essential tape or CD to own, especially if you weren't carrying or didn't even own all of their previous albums, plus the "Bob Weir" album Ace. I mean, how could you go wrong here with these tunes?! Not that it's a bad song but I'm not so sure I woulda chosen Rosemary but aside from that, the rest of the collection is outstanding. Personally I'm not one to listen to just part of a live show -- I've gotta listen from first note to last, or at least to all that exists for a particular date -- so when I'm out on the road and it's just a relatively quick drive, studio albums are perfect for short trips here and there.
I'm glad I dusted this one off! Lookin' forward to takin' it runnin', too!
320 kbps dload right here
GD: Skeletons
GD: Skeletons

Here you go again raving about the Dead and making me feel worse every time about not taking the time to spin one of their many records. This weekend, I promise. I can't stand hearing about them and not getting the full experience.
When that album first came out there were loud complaints from the Deadheads about the editing of Love Light. However, over the years I've come to like that short version.
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