Short set, monster show! Can I just say -- whoa.
Grateful Dead -- 3/23/75

Kezar Stadium
Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
Blues For Allah -»
Stronger Than Dirt or Milkin' The Turkey -»
Drums -»
Stronger Than Dirt or Milkin' The Turkey -»
Blues For Allah -»
encore: Johnny B. Goode
One word? Gonzolicious. How's that? After a five month hiatus from playing live, here comes the Grateful Dead to play a Bill Graham benefit show just blocks away from their former home in the Haight. Except for the encore, this is the very first time this music has been played for a live audience. Blues For Allah, the LP, was still nearly a half a year from finding its way into record stores so no one knew what was coming and many, I'm sure, had their minds blown on this day in the park. This is a huge chunk of music and for about 30 minutes, that's all it is, music with no vocals whatsoever. Finally, close to the very end of Blues For Allah, they step up to the mics. Up until then it was almost one long free-form jam... only this was (nearly) completely orchestrated to sound this way. Jerry's playing was tremendous and Merl Saunders contributed amazingly on his Hammond organ, adding a perfect 'nother layer to this monster set of music. Compared to '74, this was a total departure. I've given this two listens in the past few hours and I'm gonna give it another two or three very soon just to try to absorb and attempt to comprehend it all. I'm saying it again -- gonzolicious.
At the end of the Dead's set, Bobby brought this thing back down to Earth and gave everyone reason to dance with Johnny B. Goode. In relation to the previous 33 minutes, JBG was 100% out of place. Perhaps it was a relief that tune was played last, to wake the reality back into people that yes, this was indeed the Grateful Dead.
3/23/75 is @ Archive.org
for listening only
- or -
dload the FM soundboard right here
3/23/75 - Kezar Stadium
for listening only
- or -
dload the FM soundboard right here
3/23/75 - Kezar Stadium
Merl Saunders and Ned Lagin sat in for complete Dead set ; show was part of the SF SNACK (San Francisco Students Need Athletics, Culture, and Kicks) Benefit; performing artists (billed): Doobie Brothers, Graham Central Station, Mimi Farina, Jefferson Starship, Jerry Garcia and Friends, the Miracles, Joan Baez, Santana, tower of Power, Neil Young. (unbilled): Bob Dylan; guest celebrities (billed): Frankie Albert, John Brodie, Rosie Casals, Werner Erhard, Cedric Hardman, Willie Mays, Jesse Owens, Gene Washington, the Rev. A. Cecil Williams; 10:00 am Sunday showtime; $5 advance; $7.50 at the door (www.deadlists.com)

ARRRRRGH! I broke my keistar trying to burn this this AM. I have the file downloaded but it keeps sayingh it's incompatible with any of my programs.
Wanna trade a copy for something you don't have?
I'd love to get this show, but I'm a music downloading and burning technotard.
Should that not read 23 March 1975?
Nooooo. I be one of them there Americans and here we don't no type dates like that. Yo.
March 23, 1975
Pick anys which one, theys all good.
Hell, even up here in Alaska they use the correct form and even if I decide to move to Scotland, some-freakin'-how I'd figure out how to drive on the wrong side of the road but I'd still use the correct way of writin' the date. Sheesh!
for the record, i don't hate foreigners, just midget nazi monkey molesters... i's just a bustin' you chops, yo.
Ya know what though, if Bob's point was that the year should be 75 and not 73, he was correct. For over a day I had it as 73. a mental mistype... i knew it was 75, duh.
Okay - Thanks for the help!
I got it to CD and listened to it.
A few things:
This is a weird show. Very short, by the Dead's usual standards.
I also think it is an FM radio simulcast as opposed to an actual soundboard recording. You can hear the DJ's shooting the shit in between a couple tracks:
Odd buzzing in a few places, specifically track 3 at about 5 minutes in. Sounds like someone using a weedwhacker. (I know it's not that, just trying to describe it.)
Static from radio?
Anyway, I like it, but it's weird.
Also, how the hell does one remove the annoying break in between songs that occurs when burning to CD's?
interesting show. good one to add to my collection thanks
Thanks for the awesome dead shows! I never had a good tape of this show, and now i do.
Once again, Zoooma presents us with a tasty Dead feast for the ears. Thank you so much! This one makes for good late night listening. Keep 'em coming! Ever grateful, ~Dave~
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