No music this Sunday. I've been workin' on tomorrow's tunes and...
here ya go, have a sample...
Sunday Evening Run: 10 minutes 5 sec
-17 min 10 sec
. 2+Days Since My Last Run ● 5:35 p.m. ● 89° ● mostly sunny
What a... horrible(?) way to end the month? Or better than nothing? Better than nothing, right, Babe? Perhaps. It was sooo hot... and I did run twice as long as I planned... but I still don't feel right about it.
My plan was to run just 5 minutes... or I'd pick 1 song about that long and that would be it for May. Had I gotten to sleep early last night and woken up early this morning, I coulda had a regular run... but that didn't go so well. Actually it didn't go at all. Oh well. So the 5-minute plan was in place. Fine. I decided on Franklin's Tower by BK3 a couple nights ago -- 10 minutes and 5 seconds. Plus I had nearly 25 minutes walking to and from the trail so it wasn't a horrible outing. I just really want TEN FULL RUNS. Oh well. Next month, June -- 10 FULL RUNS! I'm not gonna set a goal now 'cause I don't know if I just want to beat May or go for Five Hours. We'll see. In any case, man, I am glad I'm back 'cause that, for just 10 minutes, wasn't easy. I had nearly all my energy, it seemed, sucked out of me within 2 minutes of running. Somehow I put it into auto-pilot and cruised at a slow pace but this kind of temperature I most definitely am not used to. Whew. God Bless air-conditioning!
It's that time again, Springsteen time. Tis about time I start making a better effort to listen to the other Bruce more often. Springsteen most definitely has become the other Bruce to this Deadhead -- friend of Springsteen and former Grateful Dead band member Bruce Hornsby must be the first Bruce. I've probably said it before -- I'm sure a lot of Springsteen fans would take exception to that and that's fine. Springsteen was the first Bruuuuuuuuuuce for me once upon a time. Without a doubt he was. I was diggin' Born To Run before China Cat Sunflower or Shakedown Street, but even though he's been absent from Dead proceedings for the past several years, Hornsby is Bruuuuuuce #1.
In any frickin' case, time for more live Bruce. I've been getting tons of his shows recently, first time in my life, other than his official releases, that I've collected live Springsteen. Here we go with something from early on in his current tour which kicks off a leg of European shows tonight in somewhere, Pinkpop Belgium or something like that. EuroBruce? I don't got nothin' against Europe, in general, but when it comes to live Springsteen, I always wanna track down good old American shows and Texas -- Dallas Cowboys, John Wayne in a John Ford western, cattle, George W. Bush! -- that's about as American as ya get, y'all!
Hey, if you're here downloadin', of if you're reading this for whatever reason under the sun, give the below link a click and consider helping out others who haven't got anything good to eat... or anything at all to eat. Springsteen, during each show on his tour, has been promoting a local food bank and they always need every cent a person can afford to donate. So make Bruuuuuuuce happy and think about giving a buck or two. Seriously, it doesn't have to be 10 or 20 dollars or more... non-profit charities often appreciate even a single dollar and I'm a-bettin' right here and now that anyone reading this can surely afford a dollar or two to help others less fortunate than yourself. Right? Cool. Thanks for readin' this and enjoy the music!
April 5, 2009 Frank Erwin Center University of Texas Austin
Badlands Outlaw Pete My Lucky Day Prove It All Night Out in the Street Working on a Dream Seeds Johnny 99 Youngstown Working on the Highway Sherry Darling She's the One Because the Night Waitin' on a Sunny Day The Promised Land The Wrestler Kingdom of Days Radio Nowhere Lonesome Day The Rising Born to Run * * * Hard Times Come Again No More Jungleland Tenth Avenue Freeze-out I'm a Rocker Land of Hope and Dreams American Land Glory Days
Very cool show. For the most part. Well, let's see here... sound quality is pretty good, perhaps a bit above average. I listened with an mp3 player and in this case it might be better on a stereo with good speakers.
In this show there are 9 different songs from Night #1 of the tour which I posted some weeks back. That's why I chose this night. The number of different songs dwindles after this.
There was one moment during the show that was just... odd. During Waitin' On A Sunny Day, Bruce puts the mic to a kid and has him sing a couple lines... and he sucks. In all fairness, the kid sounds about 13 and it was fun for Bruce and the band, I'm sure; to let someone so young be a part of this event, even in such a small way, not the best sounding thing on the recording but I'm sure it was fun and gave that kid something he'll never forget.
As far as energy in the music -- how old is Bruce? 35? He sounds great! He clearly sounds aged at times, but that comes through as grit in his voice. It's a great thing having a night off between shows because it allows them a day of rest to come out fresh and ready. In this show -- they're fresh and ready... and rockin'!
"We've had some crazy times here since 1974," Springsteen told the Austin crowd, recalling the days when he found an important early fanbase in the Lone Star State. "We were from New Jersey, of course -- the Corruption State -- and Texas was a long way away." Bruce talked about taking the train all that way, unable to fly, and getting seats instead of berths, to come and play Houston's Liberty Hall and here in town at Armadillo World Headquarters. "We have lots of great memories playing in Austin."
Add another one to that list with this loose show at the Frank Erwin Center, stretching out to a whopping 28 songs only three shows into the tour. Tour premieres outnumbered songs from the new album tonight, seven to five, starting with "Prove It All Night." Turning up in the Recession Arc was "Youngstown," with that killer solo from Nils. "Sherry Darling" was requested via sign -- via gum wrappers, actually -- and took the place of the setlisted "I'm on Fire." "She's the One" rocked, with Max in a mighty groove. An epic in the encore, the premiere of "Jungleland," and a couple songs later it was the very rare "I'm a Rocker" -- which, like "Sherry," was on the ragged side, but injected some real fun into the show. Finally, "Glory Days" closed the show post-"American Land," a major crowd-pleaser this night.
Notes: (1) Recorded from Section 71 Row 8 Seat 8. There was an unobstructed line between my mikes and one of the speaker stacks even though our seats were technically behind the stage. There was no one in front of us as we were right above the exit. Occasional woo-ing can be heard from the people around us and some close clapping but otherwise a very clean/clear recording.
(2) Due to the three hour recording time limit on the JB3, I had to stop and restart towards at the very end of American Land as the band was working their way into Glory Days. Only 10-20 seconds of the outro of American Land is missing. Glory Days is complete.
The Dead -- April 18, 2009 the former Centrum(DCU Center) Worcester, Massachusetts
1st Set:Jam-» Feel Like A Stranger, Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad, Mountains Of The Moon-» Dupree's Diamond Blues, Althea-» Bird Song, China Cat Sunflower-» I Know You Rider
Set 2:Jam-» Dancing In The Street-» Milestones-» Terrapin Station-» Drums-» Space-» Days Between-» Jam-» Bird Song-» One More Saturday Night
Encore:Johnny B. Goode
The Grateful Dead's tape archivist is on tour and here's what he has to say about the show...
The first night of a two night run has a great feeling. Everyone is very tired from a late night in Albany and an early morning here, but the knowledge of a second night with no load-in feels good. The Centrum is a funky older building, but with a certain charm, especially considering all of the great Grateful Dead shows that took place here. For all of the Bay Area hockey fans on the tour’s crew, it’s pretty trippy to see San Jose Sharks logos all over the building, as the Centrum is the home to the Sharks’ AHL affiliate. It’s a coolish day, with the building surrounded by plenty of parking lots and garages, each filled loads of people by 2 PM. As we hang out during the set up, we have another Bay Area connection, watching the Oakland A’s vs the Toronto Blue Jays. The Worcester dressing room artwork and coat hangers are truly one of a kind. There’s a little extra work to do today as the show is being broadcast live on Sirius-XM’s Grateful Dead channel, with the mix being sent out on the airwaves being the front of house mix enhanced by the recording engineers who are producing the live concert CDs available at the concerts.
First set
One of my favourite Bob Weir tunes opened the show, Feel Like A Stranger, and judging by the reaction of the crowd, it was everyone’s favourite tonight. A really nice, meaty jam that wrapped up very tightly, followed by a GDTRFB that had the entire hall up and dancing. This venue has a lot of character, and it’s fun looking around at a sold-out 14,000 people arena, everyone swaying to the music. Another dose of 1969 followed, with Mountains of the Moon>Dupree’s Diamond Blues. These older combinations sure are a welcome addition to the shows, mixed amongst the “newer” material like the other night’s Foolish Heart. It’s been a very dynamic set thus far. They then went into 1979 with Althea, a very nice version with Bobby’s slide guitar paired up with Warren’s to create a dense, layered sound. Then came a long, drawn-out and very spacey and inspired Bird Song, always one of my favourites. This one went way, way out there. It’s been great to see that 4.5 shows into the tour, there have been no repeated songs. They are really drawing on everything and anything from the Grateful Dead repertoire. Following this Bird Song was another tour-first, China Cat Sunflower>I Know You Rider. Three tunes from Aoxomoxoa! A very good setlist, and exceptionally well-played. All crowd-pleasers, too. And it was a verrrrry long set, about 90 minutes, so all of the Sirius and XM listeners out there must be having a blast checking this out. With the mix from the recording crew, it sounds wonderful.
Second Set
They’re really digging into the way past on this tour, opening tonight’s second set with a dynamite Dancing In The Street, in its 1966-1970 arrangement, not the disco-Dancing of 1976-1979. It was, as would be expected, very heavy on the jams. That then led into a long Milestones, with the “sidemen,” Warren and Jeff, both taking lengthy solos, while Phil and drummers held the whole jam down, with Bobby doing all sorts of cool things in his inimitable guitar-playing way. A note on Bobby, and that’s that he’s not only playing great on this tour, but he’s prominent in the mix, and his tone is crystal clear and always just exactly right. He’s playing some of the best guitar I’ve ever heard him play, which is saying a lot, as he’s been playing great guitar for 45 years or more. Milestones then slid into Terrapin Station, with Warren taking the lead vocal duties, and doing right by the classic Jerry tune, found here in its traditional pre-Drums slot. This version of Rhythm Devils is as way-out there as all of the versions so far on the tour, with Mickey and Billy once again playing off the sounds of deep space. They’re really shaking the building. And once again, Space is reaching some very cool places. Out of Space came two nice, mellow, introspective tunes, Days Between and Bird Song’s reprise from earlier. Then Bobby blew the roof off the place (again) with two monster rockers, One More Saturday Night and an encore of Johnny B. Goode. A great way to send us out the doors, or in my case to the laptop. It’s nice to know there is another show tomorrow in this cool smallish building. Thanks, Worcester!
by David Lemieux
see a few more pics from Jay Blakesberg at JamBase
Hidin' From Love Win Some Lose Some Wait And See Give Me Your Love Wastin' Time Don't Ya Say It Remember State Of Mind Try To See It My Way
First song right off the top -- sucks. It's lame. No drive, no balls, all cheese. Song 2 -- not as much but a little more of the same. It's all crap. The harmonies are purely soft rock adult contemporary garbage. And then Don't Ya Say It hints at disco and motown and there's horns and it's more adult contemporary blahhhhh.
Bryan Adams has a decent handful of songs but not from this flop. If in his concerts he plays not a sing song from this album, I wouldn't be surprised. I recall having an album of his, Into The Blue possibly? Perhaps underrated, a bunch of good songs on that one and that came after his most success, an album earlier. Anyway, I thought I'd give him a try again and check out his earliest work...I'm now kinda sorry I did. One thing's for sure -- it gets better after this one.
Political commentary of the day: there shall be none. I hope. Maybe my fingers can stop themselves before my brain goes off on a tangent? Hmmm..... stall.... stall..... [waiting] ..... listening to more of this crappy crappy music that I chose for today not knowing it was so crappy...... Sotomayor..... nah, oh, I know, the V.A.T. (value-added tax) ... is it an acronym with periods like that or just VAT? (I haven't seen it in print, just heard it on the tele.) Stoopid rich Congress people who'd want to hurt lower income (and even middle class) people by raising the cost of EVERYTHING. When you live in a million dollar home, send your kids to private school, have sufficient expendable income and you're not hurt my shelling out more $$$$$ every month or week or even every day, then it's quite easy to say people should pay more for stuff or more for taxes... which VAT is, just not a tax directly directly on you. Cost of living will rise. Will everyone's income also rise accordingly? Or will people be left struggling or at least unable to pay for luxuries like a 6-pack or a movie or a day at the amusement park... or concert tickets? Ahh, but you'll be getting free healthcare, though. Therefore, you need new boots when it's winter? Duct tape the holes and use your old ones. You want a treadmill so you can work on losing weight? Don't worry, when you get diabetes, we'll pay your medical bills. Your car has 150,000 miles and is on its deathbed? Public transportation, dumbass. (Or somehow keep using your old one until it becomes illegal to drive something that's not Obama-approved.) You need a new roof on your home? No you don't -- put buckets down to catch the dripping water. You don't need to pay your electricity bills. Use candles.
This Value-Added Tax would just be insane. The mere thought of it is insane. So many people would be hurt. Local small businesses will have to close because people won't have extra income to spend. That's going to help America? I'm all for a simple lifestyle but not one forced on people by the government. What there'll be for so many will be free healthcare and bare bones living. But at least the people will be under the thumb of the government. I know, I know, the VAT doesn't look likely but has President Oh Great One ruled it out yet??? Huh? Well? Huh? Well? Huh? Yeah, I didn't think so.
More intelligence than in half of Congress...
Friday early morning Run: 27 minutes 15 sec
+8 sec
. 2Days Since My Last Run ● 7:15 a.m. ● XX° ● XXXXXXXX
Freakin' miracle that I got outta bed this morning. Sort of. I was just soooo tired and all I wanted to do was SLEEP MORE. But I dragged my ass outta bed, made coffee, had cereal, added a pre-arranged Running Play List to my mp3 and then almost went back to sleep. Man, I was just so tired. Nope, I didn't get a perfect night's sleep. That's why. I wasn't dead to the world tired but on the walk to the trail, I swear my ass was physically draggin'. Maybe not... but a 12 minute walk seemed to take forever. Stretching sucked. I wanted so badly to skip it altogether and just get this whole hellish nightmare over with. Trail was wet from dew but I didn't even care. Actually the footpath itself is fine but the weeds growing alongside severely encroach on the footpath and those wet weeds get my lower legs quite wet. This morning it didn't seem to bother me as I cruised along on auto-pilot just, again, wanting to get this over with. I remember right after I turned around about halfway through, I wanted to speed up, as if I ran faster it would get me done quicker. Uhhh... since I'm going for time, not distance, that wouldn't matter. Keep it at normal pace, dumbass. Finally I was done and on my way back to more coffee. It wasn't a bad run, I only added a pathetic 8 seconds today but I feel good about the run as a whole. With an extra day this month I'll be able to top out at 4 hours. (All I really need to do is go run for a less than a minute and I'll have accomplished 4 hours but I'll do one more full run.)
Hey now it's me, Sugarmag. It's been a good day, my children and I are taking a weird sort of mini vacation because I finished the semester (it was actually a couple of weeks ago), my son's last day of preschool was last week, and my daughter has a low grade fever which makes her too sick to go to school but she is not that sick, so we have been lounging around in our pajamas watching cartoons and listening to Jerry Garcia. It's kind of nice!
The other thing I am happy about is that I had to replace the hard drive on my computer and I installed the most recent version of the Ubuntu operating system (Jaunty Jackalope-I love that name!) on it and anything using macro media flash player, which means anything that uses videos, animation, or streaming did not work. Apparently a lot of people have had this problem with Jaunty because there is a lot of discussion about it, but I figured it out and I got it to work. I am so happy! Would you believe that when my ex husband and I split up last July I did not know how to put music on my mp3 player? Now I kind of like it when things break because I get a lot of satisfaction from fixing them. So any way, if you are using Jaunty and need help getting macromedia flash to work, contact me and I will save you a couple of days' work.
This is the show I have been listening to...
Jerry Garcia Band March 19, 1978
Stanley Theatre Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1st Set How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You), Catfish John, Cats Under The Stars, Simple Twist Of Fate, Tore Up Over You, Gomorrah, Mystery Train, The Harder They Come
Set 2 Mission In The Rain, Love In The Afternoon, Let Me Roll It, I Second That Emotion, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, I'll Be With Thee, Midnight Moonlight
Encore: Palm Sunday
How Sweet It Is
I chose this show because I wanted to listen to some Jerry Garcia Band and I didn't know which show to listen to so I went over to Lost Sailor's Pub to look for a recommendation and someone over there mentioned that they really liked this one.
How Sweet It Is (you can listen to it by clicking above), is easily one of my favorite Jerry songs and this is a nice one. My first thought listening to it was what an amazing bassist John Kahn was. His thump thump thump sounds great layered under Jerry's guitar, and he just continues that way for the whole show. Come to think of it, the first song gives a nice taste of the whole show and not just John's part in it. The one thing that was missing (as far as I was concerned) was that great organ sound that Melvin Seals provides but of course he did not even start playing with Jerry Garcia Band until two years after this night. Keith was still Jerry's keyboardist in 1978 and he played piano. His playing was actually really good and I appreciated it a lot more the second time through. How Sweet It Is has such a sweet energy to it that really builds toward the end. Donna singing back up vocals sounds really nice, too. Donna sounds good when she can hear herself in what must have been a smaller venue like this.
Catfish John was really good and had a nice jam near the end. Cats Under the Stars is a good song and I really dig it but have you ever thought about what a weird song it is? "Time is a stripper doing it just for you?" What the hell does that mean? I want to spend some time reading those lyrics and thinking about it but I am too tired right now.
Simple Twist of Fate is one of the highlights of this show, it starts out so sweetly and beautifully and then as the song progresses Jerry just explodes and Keith is right there with him. This is what I love about Jerry Garcia.
This whole show is so good and it seems like not mentioning each one does it an injustice! One of the highlights from the second set was Let Me Roll It. Check it out:
Let Me Roll It
Ok here's the next song only because I don't know where to stop... I Second That Emotion (check out John Kahn's bass!)
I always like The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down. It's an interesting song because it's about the Civil War. Here it is if you want to listen to it...
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
And here are the lyrics...
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
Virgil Caine is the name and I served on the Danville train 'Til Stoneman's cavalry came and tore up the tracks again In the winter of sixty-five We were hungry just barely alive By May tenth Richmond had fell It was a time I remember oh so well
Chorus The night they drove old Dixie down And the bells were ringing The night they drove old Dixie down And the people were singing, they went La la la la la la, la la la la la la la la, la
Like my father before me I am a peaceful man And like my brother above me who took a rebel stand He was just eighteen, proud and brave When a Yankee laid him in his grave I swear by the mud below my feet You can't raise a Cain back up when he's in defeat
Back with my wife in Tennessee when one day she called to me Virgil, quick come see, there goes Robert E Lee Now I don't mind choppin' wood And I don't care if the money's no good You take what you need and you keep the rest But they should never have taken the very best
The Civil War is fascinating and I have such mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, what it was really about was whether or not the enslavement of human beings should be allowed to continue yet most of those who fought for the South were not slave holders. How did those in power manage to convince everyone else that fighting for the South meant fighting for freedom from Yankee oppression? And do you think that most of the Union soldiers cared about slavery one way or another? The part that appalls me the most is that those who opposed the enslavement of human beings were considered radical. How could that be? Slavery is such an ugly part of our nation's history and yet the antebellum South is so romanticized. Anyway, I like the song, I really do, and I can't help feel sad when I think of not only those who died but those they left behind.
One last thing about this show, I really like the gospel songs, especially I'll Be With Thee. Good stuff! Here it is, you can download it if you want. I hope you dig. The sound quality is excellent but the last minute and a half of Mystery Train is cut, which bites.
Francine Just Got Paid Mushmouth Shoutin' Ko Ko Blue Chevrolet Apologies To Pearly Bar-B-Q Sure Got Cold After The Rain Fell Whiskey'n Mama Down Brownie
Blues permeate ZZ Top's debut from the year before. From start to finish it's Texas blues rock that makes me want to hop in a 1970's Cadillac convertible and cruise across the immense landscape of the Lone Star State, arm out the window, 10 miles per gallon, sun beatin' down, ZZ Top blarin' from the stereo.
The second album from ZZ Top sounds more Aerosmith rock and roll at times. There's still a unique early ZZ Top sound and feel to it but it rocks out more than being laid back and bluesy. The first couple times I listened to, I didn't prefer it. I'm pretty sure I like their debut better but like many albums do, this is growing on me with yet another listen. One thing's for sure -- it's competent rock and roll that's a long way from Sharp Dressed Man.
Boy oh boy, this blog sure has taken a turn away from political ramblings, eh? So little personal stuff here, too. I'm sure there are plenty of folks out there who'd prefer this place just be music, or at least leave the politics out of it, but this is mine to do what I want with. If I wanna rant, I'll rant. It's just that of all the bullshit in Washington, D.C. that pisses me off/concerns me, I air out what I can into my dear Sugarmag's ear... and so I guess that helps keep it out of Inspiration, Move Me Brightly... for the most part.
Interestingly, it's often when I start typing just plain and simple like this when I can veer off into the IDIOCY that occurs at the highest levels of government in this country. Man, I tell ya... when it's not that total and utter moron Nancy Pelosi, it's something else like a person being nominated to make Supreme Court decisions using empathy. Empathy?! No. Just plain fucking no. No. Comprende amigo? No. Sonia Sotomayor is a racist and sexist activist judge who believes policy is made by judges. She will make decisions partially based on empathy???? Excuse me, but the judges of this nation are to be IMPARTIAL. Making empathetic decisions is not in the OATH that judges swear to. Apparently President Obama doesn't know this... or he doesn't care.
"I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God."
Empathy is a good thing to have for a human being, even for a judge. A judge, however, should never be deciding for a certain person or group of people based on their own personal opinions and leanings. I suppose when you're hellbent on destroying any policy based on conservative thinking, and when you want total liberalism to rule every facet of American life, having judges legislate from the bench is a great tactic to control the people. Get enough like-minded judges, enough judges who will make decisions based on their empathetic feelings without regard to being impartial, then a President won't have to fuss around with Republican senators who disagree with the empathetic ideals that he or she wants to make a permanent part of the American landscape. I don't know if this is part of the Grand Scheme hatched in Obama's mind in conjunction with his little minion Rahm Emmanuel, but it ain't right.
. 4Days Since My Last Run ● 8:25 a.m. ● 71° ● sunny, nice
Well, I let four days go by AGAIN. Man. Excuses: I just didn't wake up early enough yesterday and then it started to rain and then I was tired. Alright, fine. Can't undo that. Here we are today.
Not enough sleep last night was detrimental to having a high level of success in running this morning. I was freakin' tired. I didn't even wake up as early as I had planned. I wanted to be out there at 6:30! Dang it!! Crickey, mate, I need to go to sleep at like 10 o'freakin'-clock if I want a run that early in the morning. That just ain't gonna happen. With the weather getting sooooooo disgustingly warm, I've got to somehow make it happen. I dunno. Despite the tiredness, I did finish my run okay this morning... okay but not great.
There wasn't much rain yesterday but the trail was a little mushy in places. I figured on that and was ready to dodge slippery spots. No problems there; I'm agile. At one point before my turnaround I saw 4 or 5 deer down the trail a ways but they were gone as I approached so I couldn't get an exact count. Hiking woulda gotten me close but running never allows for that.
The morning air wasn't bad but it was humid, like 100% humid, and so I almost might as well've been running under a noonday sun. No, that wouldn't not been good -- I'll take humidity over heat of the sun anyday when it comes to running. Still it wore me down. When I was done, I was done, no wish in me to keep going. No freakin' way. Thankfully I brought Gatorade with me 'cause I'm needing liquid immediately at the end of every run now because of the warmth.
So all in all my run wasn't horrible. It's been a long time since I've failed or had a truly horrible run but with the heat coming on fast, it could happen. I'll keep doing what I can. I eclipsed 27 minutes on my way to 30....... but still a looooooooooooong way from running the 2010 London Marathon.
I've been in a bit of a listening slump lately. And then I played this and despite the not so great quality, I felt the need to beat myself up because this is sooooooo good! Why do I sometimes listen to like only 3 or 4 shows in like 2 weeks? That's not good. It's when I press play on something like this that I properly understand the error of my way. But it's a way that won't last long... can't last long -- I just won't let myself drag it on.
So what this means is hopefully there'll be a steady stream of shows comin' down the pike. As always -- Stay Tuned... and be prepared to download!
May 23, 1973 (late show) Jerry Garcia & Merl Saunders The Ash Grove West Hollywood, California
It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry, Expressway (To Your Heart), Money Honey, Little Bit Of Righteousness, Like A Road Leading Home, That's Alright Mama
Sound quality on this show is below average... but ears adjust and it's not incredibly terrible to listen to. Nothing here that really blows me away but Jerry's playing is precise and next to non-stop. Money Honey is outstanding as he gives extra emotion at times in his vocals. That little bit of umpf helps to turn it from a great version to even more well worth it. Little Bit Of Righteousness is a rare tune, one of only two known times played. There's a little bit of spaceyness at the end which'll sound quite familiar to Deadheads. A studio version of this song with Michael Bloomfield on guitar (not Jerry) and Ron Stallings on saxophone can be found on Merl's album Keepers. A beauty here is Like A Road which is one of the earliest versions -- only the second known but more were probably played since it debuted in January (or perhaps in December of '72 though no setlists with it are known.) Finishing off this rather short show is That's Alright Mama which features some crankin' bass from John Kahn. He is on fire with that thing, dominating the song to quite an extent. The crowd is lovin' it!
So, not the best recording by any means, unfortunately, but it's all that exists. Two listens for me and each time I've been able to put the poor quality aside and let my ears adjust so I could dig it just fine.
P.S. the early show is not known to exist.
5/23/73 @ the Internet Archive: this show is not at as of May 25, 2009
Download It Here
Audio Quality:♦ Source:shnid=9587 Lineage:Audience > Master Reel (Harv Kaslow and Craig Todd, Sony ECM-22Ps > Sony 770) > 2R > CD > SHN
This week will feature more from 5/26/73 Kezar Stadium and I think some of The Dead from 5/9/09??
No matter what Timmy chooses to play, you know they're gonna be some sweet tunes!
So check it out!!!
Dead Reckoning with Timmy Saturday night at:
10:00 p.m. U.S. West Coast / 1:00 A.M. East Coast 2 a.m. in Buenos Aires, Argentina 6 a.m. in Nottingham, Jolly Old England 8 a.m in Diyarbakir, Kurdistan 11 a.m. in Diego Garcia
Running gives me the opportunity to listen to so many albums. There's never an end to it. My choices are so varied, it's nuts sometimes. But how could I ever pass up a girl from Queens?!
An Album I'm Listening To Now, a.k.a. What I Ran To This Saturday Morning...
Money Changes Everything Girls Just Want To Have Fun When You Were Mine Time After Time She Bop All Through The Night Witness I'll Kiss You He's So Unusual Yeah Yeah
Is it pop? Or new wave? Definitely elements of new wave in most of these songs. I suppose that's what helps me like a majority of this. First off, how could you not like Girls Just Want To Have Fun? It's become one of the most significant songs of the entire 1980's! A freakin' movie was named after it and the video for the song featured one of the biggest WWF wrestling personalities of the time. (That just makes it worth it, doesn't it?!) The popularity of the video and the song helped Cyndi become Grammy winner for Best New Artist and a mainstay on MTV.
Some of the songs on here are better than others -- Money Changes Everything is really good while Yeah Yeah is quite lame and shoulda been reworked or left off the album. Not sure what they were thinkin' there; it almost works but there are elements of it that hurt it. Witness is almost Police-ish, kinda reggae-ish. Time After Time is another classic on here and She Bop became quite popular, as well. And not that this necessarily means anything but "In 2003, the album was ranked number 494 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time." Okay. There's a few tunes on here that don't live up to great but a few really do so I guess it balances out. It's a fun listen and I'm surprised by it. It really does fall into "alternative" albeit on the fringe of "alternative" for the time but it definitely goes beyond plain old pop crap.
“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” (Philippians 1:29) (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)
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