Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Needed Run

The North Face trail running shoe -- good for use in the Appalachian Mountains ... but seriously, they are rather small compared to the Rocky Mountains ... Sierra Nevada are sweet, too.  Would definitely use 'em in the Alps, that's for sure.  One thing's for sure -- Jerry Garcia or Bob Weir or Phil Lesh or Blaise Compaoré probably never went running in Liberia, Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Pyongyang, 평양 직할시 조선민주주의인민공화국 平壤直轄市 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國, Türkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Кыргызстан, Киргизия, Uzbekistan, O'zbekiston, Ўзбекистон Республикаси, Tajikistan, Тоҷикистон.  Probably the same with Brent Mydland.  At least that's my gut feeling.  I could be wrong.  I mean, there were a lot of drugs at Grateful Dead shows and the good Lord above, He knows I did my share!
Tuesday Morning Run: 27 minutes 44 sec
+6 sec
5 Days Since My Last Run5:45 a.m.71° ● dawn

Same temp this mornin' as five days ago. How did I even let five days go by? What the hell?! Three days was the maximum that I had decided would be my limit between runs. Damn it. Oh well. Can't change the fact that I so royally screwed up so the only thing there was to do was just get this run in and look forward.

Beautiful morning. I love walking to the trail when it's practically still fully dark. By the time I was stretching I could see just fine, mostly. By the time I was running I could make out the trail well enough. Bein' a trail with lots of trees around, it's not as light as the streets in the neighboring neighborhood. The sky slowly lightened some more and by the time I turned around, I could see perfectly well.

Wasn't too difficult of a run. I was tired but awake. I was ready to run and not dreading it. The music I listened to (country: Jason Aldean) helped me along; the dude's got some snappy songs that helped keep me going at a nice pace. Anything slow and I get the feeling that maybe I should just stop running and walk. If that's not a problem then being tired can be a problem but that wasn't a terrible problem this morning, thankfully. I made it, I'm good, I'm tired now, and I'm not sure if I can pass my time for May... but I got my run in this morning. Oh, and I only added a measly 6 seconds but it's better than not adding anything.
5 runs in June :: 2:00:17 sec· X
10 runs in MAY:
4 hours 9 min
8 runs in April:
3 hours 29 min
6 runs in March:
2 hours 28 min
*** FEBRUARY ***
3 hours 41 min
January 2009
2 hours 54 min
2 hours 42 min
November:2 hours 31 min
October 2008:2 hours 10 min

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one says one number and the other another
but they were set at the same time. Hmmm...

i love you amy uzarski.  always!
Calvin and Hobbes in the snow -- animated