How about getting back to some tunes?
So............. how's everyone doin' out there? I'm still pretty ticked off (not really) at the people, you know who you are, who come here to download, and download and download and download, without ever saying a thing, nothing, not a single one word of "Thanks."
It's pretty sad. Actually it's pathetic.
But there are those of you who speak up and whether it's one word of "Thanks" or it's a bit of conversation or an email, you are the people I want to continue posting music for. If I was a mean person I might tell the silent people to download away and then go to hell. I'm not a mean person, though... so whatever.
Those who appreciate this music, and let me know that you do, I appreciate you guys and your comments so it's you all who I'll continue to keep giving to. I listen to a buttload of music but everything else is secondary to this, almost unimportant even. These tunes make my world go 'round and I want to share 'em with people who are happy to click to download, with people who are happy to Press Play, with people who just wanna enjoy life while kicking back, listening to the music play.
(Sugaree, Catfish John, Stir It Up, Mystery Train,
Sitting In Limbo, The Way You Do The Things You Do)
2nd Set: They Love Each Other,
Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Tore Up Over You,
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, Don't Let Go
The 15 minute long Knockin' is perfection and Tore Up is a ton o' fun! Don't Let Go, clocking in at over 25 minutes, is definitely not like it was in the 90's when I saw the Jerry Band, that's for sure. It could almost (probably) be labeled as:
Sound Quality: a good solid A, yup, A all the way!

Wait. Do I have to d/l mooozeek before I can leave a comment? 'Cause I'm not here for your tunes, I'm here for your..umm, for your, oh .. now I remember, for your charming and charismatic mannerism? Yeah that's it. LOL! ;-)
It's cool that you're a sharing type of nice guy though.
BTW.. hows your first class dog liking the sweather in SC
Hi. My name's Timmy. I am very grateful indeed for your tasteful music posts. I co-host an oldies type of radio show on KDSK, 92.7 FM in Grants New Mexico every Wednesday Night. I have a blog at: WWW.Radiolidarity.Blogspot.Com . I don't like the blue meanies either, BUT I also don't like lengthy verification words... whatever...
Zoooma, what a great set list! I love these songs and I can't wait to listen to it. Thank you
too bad your road trip didn't swing up north to nyc - subway series here at shea this weekend!
Thanks for all of the Dead/Garcia music!!
Many thanks!!
well, you know, it's always the same.
I myself run a blog for about half a year featuring unknown homemade psychedelic music mostly from germany, and there were about a thousand downloads, but just a handful of comments...
Let's be realistic: That's the way things are. People ARE ungrateful.
But that isn't it alone. I think it also has a lot to do with TOO MUCH of EVERYTHING, especially music. Everything is on offer. And people collect and collect – and I wonder if anybody really has got the time just TO LISTEN to all that stuff that gets downloaded...
Another thing: Some people just don't like to post commets, only saying "thank you". They think, "What can I say, I don't have anything essential to say, so I will best say nothing at all." That doesn't necessarily mean, that they don't appreciate your work.
But, don't get me wrong, I think it is a good thing just to keep on posting. If just for some people who ARE listening, who ARE responding... Make them smile.... And MAYBE something good will come back to you after all....
All the best to you,
Anna -- nope, one doesn't have to download to leave a comment and my dog hates the weather but he survives!
Timmy! How-do, man? Thanks for the comment and come on now, verification words don't take that much time, do they? They help keep out the spam!
Heya mike-floyd,
I want to thank you for taking the time to put up that comment.
Sometimes the people who were ungrateful really got to me... then I decided that yeah, I'll keep on posting for the people who ARE grateful!
Personal matters happening right now brought me to think about stopping the blog (at least temporarily) and because those matters are rapidly changing, it's been decided that I should try to keep going with more music. So hopefully I won't disappear. I don't want to but when you're heart's not in it, what can ya do? Hopefully everything will work in the end!!!!
Thanks for ALL the comments! And Sugarmag, ya know what, those songs that you love, they love you, too! And there are PLENTY more in the future that can't wait for you to hear, as well :)
Oh, this Jerry is so fine! Thanks a ton. My week was less than crummy until I found your post. Much better now, and hope you are the same (this darkness got to give). Aside: Nazi Monkey Molesters would be a great name for a band...
Hey most recent anonymous, i hope you'll come back to read this and if so -- I really want to thank you for your comment! Thanks!
It's comments like yours (and others who appreciate the tunes) that make me want to keep posting shows for people!
I'm sorry about your week, I'm going through some terrible crap myself right now and you're right -- This darkness got to give!!
Hey listen, if you're lookin' for any show in particular, or maybe even something from a year in particular, feel free to drop me an email, I'd be happy to see what I can do!!
if not -- enjoy the tunes!!!
thanks for the tunes!
Thanks man, you have some good stuff here. This JGB is great. Keep up the good work, it is appreciated.
gs from UK - many thanks for this JGB 77 show!
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