For My Amy

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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 1:52 AM
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.. I Love You Ame‼
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 1:52 AM
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.. I Love You Ame‼
So............. how's everyone doin' out there? I'm still pretty ticked off (not really) at the people, you know who you are, who come here to download, and download and download and download, without ever saying a thing, nothing, not a single one word of "Thanks."
It's pretty sad. Actually it's pathetic.
But there are those of you who speak up and whether it's one word of "Thanks" or it's a bit of conversation or an email, you are the people I want to continue posting music for. If I was a mean person I might tell the silent people to download away and then go to hell. I'm not a mean person, though... so whatever.
Those who appreciate this music, and let me know that you do, I appreciate you guys and your comments so it's you all who I'll continue to keep giving to. I listen to a buttload of music but everything else is secondary to this, almost unimportant even. These tunes make my world go 'round and I want to share 'em with people who are happy to click to download, with people who are happy to Press Play, with people who just wanna enjoy life while kicking back, listening to the music play.
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 4:17 PM
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** Grateful Dead related,
**** Jerry Garcia stuff
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 5:21 AM
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 6:15 AM
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Prepared the day before departure and auto-posted, I hope.
Part 6 -- Full Day #5
western Arkansas-> through Memphis, Tennesse Jed->
northern Mississippi-> Alabama-> through Hotlanta, Georgia->
Encore: the Lowcountry of South Carolina
6 states again.
953 miles (1534 km)
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 5:00 PM
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auto-posted, i hope, 'cause i'm not at the internet right now, i'm somewhere in America so please leave a beep when you hear the message...
Day 4 -- Part 5 I'll be an Okie from Muskogee...
Wyoming-> Colorado-> New Mexico-> Texas-> Oklahoma-> Arkansas
That's a buncha states!
Approximately 1,014 miles (1631 km)
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 10:00 PM
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prepared ahead of time,
hopefully auto-posting will auto-post this...
Day 3 -- Part 4
The Plan: start the day from around Calgary, Alberta
down through Billings, Montana, still further
down the country to somewhere around Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Approximate mileage: 1,000 miles (1609 km)
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 10:00 PM
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Prepared ahead of time, testing out Auto-posting....
Part 3 - Day 2
This, I hope, will be my plan for Saturday.
From the Fort Nelson, British Columbia area
through Dawson Creek and onto Edmonton and Calgary.
(at least) 815 miles / 1311 km
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 11:00 PM
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I set this up before I left to test out Auto-posting.
Drove out of Fairbanks sometime Thursday Night.
That nite I hopefully I made it into Canada, eh.
Friday nite I expect to be around Fort Nelson, British Columbia.
Not having a laptop and mobile internet access kinda sucks right now.
But eh, at the same time, I don't have a lot of time to be futzing around with internet on this journey. Essentially this roadtrip sucks my butt because I'm not taking my time. Driving from Point A to Point B on boring highways is so lame. Fortunately much of this trip is through GORGEOUS country so that's kinda cool... except I'm gonna have ZERO time to stop and smell the juniper. That kinda sucks. That really sucks, actually. And next time I do a trip like this -- digital camera!! Then again -- not a lot of time to stop and take pictures. No time, really. The quicker I can get from central Alaska to the southeast United States, the better.
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 11:00 PM
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14½ hours in airports & airplanes +
6½ drive from Anchorage to Fairbanks...
A long afternoon and night it was.
Charleston -> Atlanta -> Seattle-Tacoma -> Anchorage
Should've been a quicker drive from Anchorage north to Fairbanks but someone in an RV with a Rhode Island license plate creamed a moose somewhere on what should have been the last hour or so of the drive. Why this backed traffic up for over 30 minutes I'm not sure. Just a freakin' crawl up the Parks Highway for awhile there. Thankfully this was at about 6 in the morning otherwise it would have been much worse.
My dog was so darn happy to see me. If he was a bunch of years younger he would have jumped right up and knocked me over. SOooooo excited! He's been used to me going to work for 12 hours here and 12 hours there but not away from him for like 5 days or however long it's been since I went to South Carolina. He did have someone stop by each day with their own dog to make sure Cassidy had food and water. Plus I set a timer on a TV so he could watch whatever was on for a few hours a day. He was okay. It was either leave him as I just described or bring him to dog boarding and since this wasn't for that long, I knew he'd be okay. He'd have the total freedom of being able to sleep wherever he wanted, including outside by going through his own dog door at his leisure. Pretty good compared to whatever dog boarding could offer. Not that there's anything wrong with dog boarding... some people gotta use it and it's a blessing for humans who don't have any other option. But for Cassidy for these few days, he was able to stay here and I'm sure, while confused about exactly where I was, he was more content than if confined, mostly, to a smaller space.
Anyway... I cannot spend much time on this, I have TOO much to do in too short of a time. Not fun. I thought about posting a show up before I leave but I still can't hear in my right ear. (3½ days now.) I'm against just posting download links and saying "here you go" so a new show will have to wait. I mean, I've got to listen to it! And what I've got ready I haven't listened to yet. So it'll be awhile...
and I'm still trying to decide if only grateful people should be able to download or not. Maybe I'll protect each download with a password and only people who want to participate in commenting on shows can get the password. I just don't know yet
Yeah, Deadman, maybe I should just post shows anyway and those who appreciate the music will be very cool in commenting and those [other people] will still not give a crap.
I'll still keep on feeling sorry [those people] who can't even type "Thanks." But I suppose it would be wrong to exclude [those people] even if they are the majority.
Sometimes I just get sick and tired of it. I know the stats on # of downloads and there's probably someone downloading something right now and they're not gonna comment because they're completely inconsiderate. Just pathetic.
Anyway... I'll be back on this interweb dealie in about 6 days. Unfortunately for that whole time I'll be driving and sleeping and that's it. Seriously, nothing other than that.
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 10:22 AM
Pretty soon (but not soon enough!) I'll be where I wanna be.
Long, long way to get there but the time will come.
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 9:50 AM
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.. I Love You Ame‼,
** Grateful Dead related
I've got to head to the airport in a little while -- back to Alaska. My dad's heart surgery went just fine and he'll be out of the hospital this afternoon. My brother's taking the first shift, so to say, helping my dad with everything he'll need between now and when I return to South Carolina next week. He's got to get back to work while I have more flexibility to be the one who'll be here helping out the most. Plus at this point in time it's gonna be a really, really, really, really, really good thing to be back in the Lower 48. Really! ;)
Perhaps I'll be able to have a post from Alaska tomorrow sometime but that'll be it for around 5 days, I think. Since I don't have a laptop and I'll be sleeping in by [VW] bus each night -- no internet. Not that I'd have time anyway -- drive, sleep, drive, sleep, and so on. If I had it my way, i would tear this old building down! Wait, I meant, if I had it my way, I would take my time on the road and turn a 5 day lightning fast trip into a couple weeks. Oh well. Not this time. People of such great importance that I need to get back down here for!
The times they are a-changin...
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 1:15 PM
--- i can't hear.... again. very disconcerting. right ear this time. I feel like i have no hope that it'll clear up. I'm sure it will.
------- I thought I'd have a show ready to post tonight but the upload died... again. same old crap and i don't know why.
doesn't matter,
i'm thinking of removing all Grateful Dead (and related) show downloads
from this blog because in the past 3 days...
there've been over two dozen shows downloaded....
and ONE comment.
Pretty sad.
I don't see the point in continuing for so many completely ungrateful people. Those who do express your Thanks -- you're great people but it's all the others who give me very little inspiration to keep posting shows.
![]() | Unconscious Mutterings |
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 7:49 AM
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** Grateful Dead related,
meme: Unconscious Mutterings
There needs to be an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that bans HOT weather.
Thursday afternoon, as I drove down the Parks Highway to catch my flight out of Anchorage, the temperature over that part of central Alaska was around 60° (F) -- just absolutely gorgeous.
A 6 hour drive and 13½ hours in airplanes and airports later, I arrived in a place called Hell... no, I'm not talkin' Hell, Michigan, Hell a.k.a. South Carolina... Charleston, in the Lowcountry, to be more specific.
Charleston is a beautiful city, interesting history, cool downtown, great restaurants... or so I'm told ;) I've seen some o' that, maybe one day I'll explore it some more... just not when it's 420 degrees outside.
Walking out of the airport terminal made me feel as if someone had thrown me into a sauna. There's nothing civilized about sweating through your clothes the moment you leave indoors. This place ain't too bad in the winter but come on now, this is just sick.I'm completely against more government; they screw everything up, waste our money, and call it okay. But at this moment it would be nice if the government controlled the weather. If our politicians truly care about the people they're supposed to be serving, they'd finally give them comfort in their environment i.e. TURN THE HEAT DOWN!!!!!
Now, I don't mind hot weather in small doses but this is insane.
What happens to a person when they live with this day in and day out? Quite simple, really.
It melts your mind.
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 1:24 PM
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No Category
I'm not a golfer but I know all about the game and I could probably shoot par if someone put a bag o' clubs in me hands ... is that a proper golfing term? "Shoot par"?? Anyway, it's been years but I've worked on a few golf courses in my day... caddying, specifically, was the best job I've ever had. Well, being a peasant for rich men who drive Bentleys and Beemers isn't exactly rewarding like working in EMS, but roughly $10 an hour CASH with NO taxes and no set hours? Sweet. I mean you could show up and work a Wednesday afternoon and take the whole next week off if you want. That last part was very bad for learning discipline but it helped me Mailorder a lot of Grateful Dead tickets while spending my summers at the Jersey Shore.
Hey, speaking of the Grateful Dead and golf -- any Grateful Golfers out there? Somehow, completely out of the blue, around this time last year I stumbled upon A Walk In The Park and over there Jay Flemma really digs golf... hey, that's what he's blogging about! He does it quite well, too... some good writing from what I've seen.
And he also digs the Grateful Dead and sometimes, like in the link there, the two come together.
The U.S. Open just kicked off this morning out in La Jolla so if you're interested, swing on over... haaa!!! swing... get it, like swing the golf club... HAA!!! Swing on over and give him a read!
Meanwhile... I'm outta here. I'll be back tomorrow... long, long, long day ahead. I'm going to Tahiti. Or Saudi Arabia? Well, after all the hours I'll spend driving and in the air and in airports, it'll seem like I've gone that damn far!
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 8:20 AM
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** Grateful Dead related
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 7:38 AM
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.. I Love You Ame‼
We don't often know what the future holds, do we? Mine just got messed up. . Kinda. Sorta. I wanna say it was unexpected... but deep down I knew something like this might happen eventually. Maybe this won't be messed up but it's certainly gonna be different and I'm not looking forward to it. At the same time, I'm not gonna make it the End of the World. It's not. So I've got to, to use damn clichés which I generally like to stay away from, keep my chin up and make the most of it.
South Carolina-bound. Hooray, I say completely sarcastically and with zero enthusiasm. The South in the Summer? Oh, that's a double hooray. The thing is, I have to do it. My dad, and this is just the weirdest timing because my friend's mom is in the hospital for tests due to something that happened to her recently... my dad needs surgery again. He ain't married to my mom anymore so she won't be able to help him. My damn brother, who only lives a few hours south in northern Florida, he's too tied up, something about needing the job he has otherwise he'll be in hell blah blah blah... so that leaves, ummmm... me. And what have I done lately, well, just about 4 years ago? Moved myself closer to the former Soviet Union than to my only family members. SO... this is just slightly inconvenient for me.
But I've got to do it.
What a crappy night finding this out. First inclination -- beer. Not a good one as I had to make a plane reservation first. With that out of the way -- beer. Sitting in a bar was oh so fun, I tell you what (about as much fun as watching paint dry... hmmm, but on acid that could be a ball of twine and then some!) Two pints, back to pack, sulk, etc.
Hip hip hooray, I'm leavin today,
why do I have to go?
why can't I just stay?
Oh, big ol' jet airliner,
how I wish you were gonna carry me to my home.
Oh-oh-oh big ol' jet airliner,
why don't you just drop me off in Rome? (not Georgia!)
![]() | 61° - mostly sunny at 10:00 pm |
Wednesday Night Run: 21 minutes 45 sec | +10 sec |
![]() Running tunes came from this album o' the day... | |
![]() | Cake Prolonging The Magic 1998 |
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 11:03 PM
After a beautifully mellow 12 hour shift at work, I almost went out tonight. Oh so close I was. My shift partner, Gabe, an Alaska native and former Army medic, a guy who's been whale fishing with a spear(!), said pitchers were on him. Problem there is I know he drinks Old Style... or some putrid crap like that. One of my flaws just might be my beer snobbery; I wouldn't let a mule dying of thirst drink disgusting piss like that. No, sir.
So home I came, or more specifically, this house I live in for home isn't Alaska for me, no, sir. I'm not sure where home is anymore. New York? New Jersey? New Hampshire? Not New Mexico but it seemed like the "New" state theme had to be continued there. What is it with me and "New" states -- born in one, grew up in another, have close ties to yet one more... and I've been to and loved New Mexico, maybe I'll go ski Taos there someday. Is that all of the "New" states? Hmmm... I think so.
Anyway, I kind of run with the thinking that home is where the heart is. And if that's true then I'm not sure where home is. I know where my bed is, where my dog is, where my Dead is... but that's not home. This place I do love but... it's somewhere else I need to be eventually. Great people here, good job, I've loved it... but it's somewhere else I need to be eventually.
Hey, ya know what, enough o' this mindless rambling... I worked, I'm relaxing, and I'm in a Dead state of mind...
![]() | «------Handbill & Newspaper Ad (click either one to see bigger) |
![]() |
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 11:52 PM
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** Grateful Dead related,
*** Dead: Albums and Shows
Why do so many key question words in English start with W? Who drank my last beer? When are we going to hijack the International Space Station? What do you think you're doing with that flame thrower? When was the last time I had sex with a goat?!?
Now that I've been sufficiently sidetracked... where was I? Ah yes, where did an entire day go? I went for a run Sunday night... had Monday off from work and now it's Tuesday morning. But where did Monday go? I slept. I read a little... I think a lot, actually. But what else? It's just all a haze and with no drugs or alcohol involved. "Crappy" day it was, I remember that. Drizzly, overcast, no blue sky so certainly no sun, mid-50's all day, maybe just barely getting over 60 (or about 16 celsius.) I wanted to go flying but the weather doomed that. I thought of taking some tunes hiking but for some reason I just never mustered up the enthusiasm to lace up the boots and go. Just a day with nothing incredibly remarkable.
Ahhh but I guess for the new generation of dillweeds, I mean kids, that's no big deal. Now I like kids just fine, no problems. If they disrespect me, I punch 'em... kidding, I'm kidding! I get along with kids without much of a problem at all but what I'm getting at is -- I knew there was a reason I generally hate technology: kids nowadays are getting pathetically stoopid because of it.
There's a recent book out called:
The Dumbest Generation: How The Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans And Threatens Our Future
and the dude who wrote it I saw on the FOX NEWS CHANNEL this morning. In the discussion he pointed out many of the ideas in his book (which can be seen at including the fact that kids, in general, are less interested in the world and even America and basically everything outside of their immediate realities. They don't give a crap about John Steinbeck, Benjamin Franklin, or the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. And why should they give a crap about what's happening in Zimbabwe or the problems with Communist Cuba and human rights abuses there or the asswipe "government" that's keeping millions of people suffering in Burma.
This ignorance amongst kids right now isn't just common, it's a valid way of living for these little twits.
IMing is a way of life for so many kids that they can't spell properly. For homework and email they have spellchecker which doesn't do much to help people learn the proper spelling of words they mess up.
Being an intellectual and expressing real Deep Thoughts as well as rock solid opinion, that's lame for them. I'll admit, sometimes I don't like putting too much thought into things, I just wanna keep it light and loosely organized and very informal ... but holy crap, Jack, to not only appear like a dunce but actually be a dunce, also... that's okay?!
And then there's things like Grand Theft Auto IV (a wicked popular video game) which only exacerbate the idiot factor which is backed up by lower grades in schools and more kids in remedial reading and writing classes.
Kids now also merely retrieve information from the internet when they have to write a paper and/or do their homework. They're not going through the motions to read and actually learn; just grab the info and use it. Done. Very little is retained when you're just taking information and not actually putting it into your head to make you a more well-rounded human being.
Now what does me despising technology have to do with this? Nothing really. I just knew all of this stuff is not a good thing for American society. The corporations and their marketing machines keep shoving it our faces like we're the damn morons if we don't take part in all of this. We've got money, this is what we should be spending it on. Duh.
Oh no, I don't have an iphone, what the hell is wrong with me? You don't have a Nintendo Wii? You've never played Grand Theft Auto? Nope, nope, nope and I've also never gotten driving directions from a damn GPS unit, and if I wanna rent a movie, I'm gonna go and interact with people there IN the store, and on my phone plugged into the wall I'm going to dial up the pizza place to order a pizza, not do it all mechanically online. And I'm going to go to the post office to get done what I need to do at the post office, again, no online bullshit. What's wrong with people?!?! Why does everyone want to become a dunce cap wearing dillhole only concerned about what Simon said about the most popular singer on American Idol?
Okay, now I'm really ranting, or I should say I'm done really ranting. I just don't get the "need" to have all this technology nor do I understand why it's accepted far and wide as what is right... when it's clearly wrong.
Yes, I will agree and add that technology is good for society (or for certain individuals) in some ways. Having a cell phone could probably be a nice thing stranded on the side of the road at 2 a.m. with a flat tire or something. Maybe it'll help a contractor with his business when he's on a work site. Technology aids me as an EMT sometimes when I'm providing medical care for a patient. But too many can't stop there... it's got to be a HUGE part of their everyday lives (much more than blogging & sharing Dead shows via mp3) ... and that is clearly dumbing down America. We already had a problem with people who aren't too bright because schools fail them, now we're experiencing the beginning of people who won't be very bright when they should be but technology has failed them.
From the book's website: "The technology that was supposed to make young adults more astute, diversify their tastes, and improve their minds had the opposite effect."
What is that going to mean for America The Beautiful as she faces the future? We, as a nation, are producing more janitors than intelligent, caring people. Not only is that bad for this great country but with less people looking outward at what needs to be fixed in far off lands, this is bad for the world. The United States is the most generous there is... but what about in the future when these kids now are mostly concerned about themselves while not even knowing what continent Zimbabwe is on?
Hmmm... and now as I'm about to go for a run before work at 9, I wonder how all the technology that's ruining this country is also playing into obesity in America. "Why play football when I can kill people playing video games?" "Why go for a hike when I can spend the next 12 hours IMing my friends?" Etc, etc, etc. Hey, want a bag or two of Doritos for while you're sitting around on your ass getting fatter as each hour goes by?
Thanks a lot, Al Gore. See what you've done?!
![]() | 52° and light drizzly rain at 7:35 am |
Tuesday Before Work Run: 21 minutes 35 sec | +6 sec |
![]() from this album o' the day... | |
![]() | Hunters & Collectors The Jaws Of Life 1984 |
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 8:39 AM
filed under...
: music,
# running,
^ Hunters and Collectors
After work tonight I was kinda stoked, yeah, stoked, to go out and have a couple pints, no more than that as I'd probably still have to drive the rest of the way home. I'd hit the local watering hole that many of the EMTs in town like stop in after their shift is done at 9. Then I remembered it's Sunday. Fairbanks is strange on Sunday nights -- like partially a ghost town. This is less true as the summer tourist season really starts going in a week or so but right now and on so so many Sunday nights -- snooze-o-rama. Whatever. Mmmm, but I was so craving a pint o' Guinness. I just didn't feel like sitting in a bar with 4 other people. This sure ain't Manhattan! Hell, it ain't even Manhattan, Kansas!
On the plus side, when I sat back down here and checked my email, there was some great stuff (understatement!) waiting for me, a few items I was so happy to see (understatement!) Click, read, whoa. Just whoa (understatement!) Going back to read a second time -- I was completely unable to sit through it... again. I had to stop and get up, short walk down the hall and back, twice now, mid-sentence.
If anyone actually read that paragraph, it means nothing to you unless you're the person who wrote me in which case --
Speechlessness can be such an interesting thing sometimes, can't it? Especially when it's related to matters that are only good. Man, oh my, sure helps make life interesting. Turns of events that are completely unexpected -- I wouldn't want to live without them!
Alright, time to save this and take my post-pints of Guinness run... except seein' as how I didn't actually indulge this evening, I'm just gonna have myself a nice run... probably exponentially nice on this night!
![]() | 65° at 9:45 pm, partially blue sky amongst the clouds but mellow & way, way warm! |
Sunday Nite After Work Run: 21 minutes 29 sec | +7 sec |
![]() my Album Of The Night... | |
![]() | The Cure (self-titled) 2004 |
320 kbps | |
![]() | The Cure: self-titled 2004 ... Part One The Cure: self-titled ... Part 2 |
Lost |
Labyrinth |
Before Three |
The End Of The World |
Anniversary |
Us Or Them |
alt.end |
(I Don't Know What's Going) On |
Taking Off |
Never |
The Promise |
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 11:06 PM
filed under...
: music,
# running,
^ The Cure
Flip flops are bad for your feet and body. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Not that I wish pain on people but I knew there was a good reason why I haven't worn (since I was about 6) the stupidest sandals EVER.
Q: What do you have against flip-flops?
A: I think they're stoopid and ugly. But of course if people really like them, and many do, that's fine. I'm not criticizing people, I'm criticizing an object... or I guess two objects but as a pair they're one object but anyway, then again, if you do wear them, then maybe you do deserve to be criticized for not caring about your health as much as you probably should. Just something to ponder.
Me, I'll stick to my non-flip-flips footwear, thanks. Or barefoot! Unfortunately it's a little freakin' cold for that here. In the late-spring and summer, not really cold, sometimes at night, just not warm enough. Man. That's just one of the many reasons I need to say Bye Bye, Alaska. I'll visit you again someday but you're just not fully doin' it for me. Which is almost crazy considering the AMAZING mountains here... and the immense wilderness and the beautiful lack of starbucks and stoopid big box stores and car dealerships and fast food joints every 80 feet not to mention zombies walking around on cell phones everywhere you look. What great country this is... but part of me just needs to go where I can be barefoot more often, where I can enjoy My Summer Self, my non-flip-flops beach bum kind of self... not my needing socks 300 days a year self. That just bites.
Anyway, before I head off to work in a half hour...
how about some mutterings? That is, after all, the point to this post.
It's fascinating how early so many people do this meme each Saturday night/Sunday morning. I wonder what the rush is. If you post early, you can get lots of people checking yours out. If you post later, like now, maybe 2 or 3... not that I necessarily want many people to stop here and see what I've put up... that's fine. I just like doing it and don't get the urgency.
Then again, there's so much I don't get in this world... like why Socialized healthcare is considered okay... or flip-flops.
![]() | Unconscious Mutterings |
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 8:27 AM
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** Grateful Dead related,
**** Jerry Garcia stuff,
meme: Unconscious Mutterings
No, there haven't been many GD or related shows added here lately. Eh... I've already added plenty, haven't I? Some people express their gratitude and I appreciate that and to those people I say thank you and you're welcome! But all the others who download without leaving comments -- man, I gotta tell ya, just doesn't do much to encourage someone to keep posting. Whatever. So maybe I'll get around to a show now and again but on a regular basis? I'm not so sure that'll ever start up again. The few who comment make it fun... but the many who don't really ruin it.
But for everyone who digs these tunes and appreciates that they're shared here for you, hopefully you'll like this show. If not then stay tuned, I might get around to something else in a few days.
from Robert Hunter's Journal, April 30, 2002: |
Tonight's show will be a test of sorts (aren't they all?) digging deep into the repertoire bag to provide an all new selection of tunes, other than "Out of the Blue" & my take on "Ripple" without which no show of mine would be complete. Over the years it remains my favorite of my co-creations. First time I can remember doing three nights in a row at the same place. Six hours of music. Whew! Fingers and voice holding up well due to hard rehearsal since last September. T'aint the tunes, it's the 'tude. Stop on by tonight if you're in town, but give a call first just in case. |
from Robert Hunter's Journal, the next day, May 1, 2002: |
Last night's gig, 3rd night at HOB, was definitely the capper. The guitar remote didn't see fit to function so I opened with ten minutes or so a capella, Man of Constant Sorrow and John Silver (from Eagle Mall) while O'Neil scrambled to fix it, finally plugging me in with the cord. Followed with about the best feeling Jack Straw I've ever managed, down at a slow crawl tempo which allowed the emotional development of the tune to manifest. Followed that with a "Shelter From the Storm" that had me muckin' through Dylan's murky terrain towards salvation 'til I felt the sting of the driving rain on my face. Then I started pulling stuff out of the old song bag: Tiger Rose, Keys to the Rain, Dry Dusty Road, Yellow Moon, Over the. Hills - on and on. Those songs wanted to be played, had missed me doing them, and they stood up and did tricks for me. I left the stage floating on air right back to the hotel room, hit the sack and was lucky I arranged for a 9 O'clock wake up call to get to the airport in time for a 1:15 flight to Philly. Airport was a breeze. The lady at the check-in counter recognized my name and I autographed a boarding pass for her. A sweet moment in often forbidding O'Hare. |
4/30/02 Robert Hunter - House of Blues, Chicago |
Part II - Robert Hunter 4/30/02 |
4/30/02 Robert Hunter - Part Three |
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Carefully crafted, I'm sure, by Zoooma at approximately 12:47 PM
filed under...
** Grateful Dead related,
+ Robert Hunter